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Instant Heart Rate - Pro v2.5.12
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accuracy is constantly tested by fitness coaches , nurses , doctors, EMTs and 5 million users like you.
Place the tip of your index finger on phone - camera and within seconds , your heart rate will be displayed.
A real-time graphical display all the beating of your heart .
It uses your camera phone built to track color changes on the fingertip that are directly linked to your pulse. This is the same technique that medical pulse oximeters use .
Now you have a chance to track your fitness and health every -time with just your phone.
Your resting heart rate gives you a view into your heart fitness . The fitter you get the
measures heart rate in real time
Chart PPG - see all your
heartbeat History
What's in this version: ( updated: January 26, 2014 )
- recent update 2.5.8 introduced some changes to better support some of the new device. Unfortunately this has caused problems for some existing users.
- 2.5.9 should solve this problem . Let us know if you still have problems .
Requires Android O / S: 2.1
DownloadInstant heart Rate - Pro apk v2.5.12
DownloadInstant heart Rate - Pro apk v2.5.12 free
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